My name is Shaun Booth and I want to change the way you see your garden.

Native plant garden

We think your garden should work for you - not the other way around!

A Natural Approach To Garden Design

I started In Our Nature with the vision of healing our societies broken connection with nature, because I believe it is the number one existential threat that nature faces .  

All environmental problems can be traced back to a broken connection with nature. 

Look at our modern landscapes - they have been designed for humans and humans alone with the needs of other species receiving very little, to zero, consideration.  

Take a moment to think about your neighborhood. What is the dominant landscape type? Besides barren concrete and asphalt,  It is likely dominated by manicured lawn and gardens full of non-native plants that do very little to support beneficial wildlife such as pollinators.  

As a result, many people living in urban areas simply do not have access to nature in their daily lives. The closest thing to nature for many people are urban parks dominated by manicured grass and home gardens filled with exotic plants that are never visited by wildlife. These landscapes are simply an extension of our perceived dominance over nature and, at least in my mind, cannot be considered accessible nature.  

This disconnect from nature leads to ignorance and ignorance leads to fear of the unknown, seen in how so many people look at  insects or urban wildlife in disdain (wasps, coyotes, etc).  

How can we hope to protect something we fear, no matter how crucial it is to our existence? 

When people can interact with nature in their own backyards they feel more connected to it, they appreciate it, they understand it and most importantly are more likely to want to protect it.  

This is ESPECIALLY important for children who, as the cliché goes, are the future! 

We absolutely need to connect people to nature if we ever hope to protect it. Therefore, it's time to stop delegating conservation to only conservation areas and far away national parks (although this is still very important!). Nature belongs in your backyard too! 

This is why gardens designed for looks alone are wasted potential.  

When we design our landscapes to support wildlife, with the native plants they need to thrive, our gardens become so much more than just curb appeal. They become tools for conservation, education, connection and tools to create a more compassionate society where we consider the needs of other species.  

In Our Nature finds its origins in 2018 where we started using our unique approach to garden design to create low-maintenance, pollinator friendly gardens using a diversity of native plants that don’t rely on fertilizer, mulch or supplemental water to thrive.  

We are proud of the value that we can bring to clients in the form of reduced garden maintenance, increased natural beauty and the enjoyment of bees and hummingbirds returning to their yards. 

Why would we garden any other way?